Thursday, April 30, 2009


I imagine that in 1969 Cromagnon's Orgasm record could have been an effective tool in scaring kids into not being hippies or taking drugs, but alas, that job was left to Art Linkletter, and not this ritual committed to tape by a strange sex cult of blotter-warped hippies living free and creepy in Connecticut. Sort of like if Gong were more like The Manson Family and really wanted to freak you out. Orgasm isn't for everyone, in fact it was only after several listens that I was able to get on board. Seriously, I know those chicks are kind of groovy, but don't get in their van or eat any of that brown rice they made special for you.


Anonymous said...

Don't got more background info on this one Aesop? I mean; in what kind of purpose was this ever released? To simply lure people into psychosis during LSD-trips, or rather trying to enlighten the world about the power of ritualistic sex-magic while playing bagpipes and slammering with spoons? Or both?
Anyhow, this is yet another fantastic post. Thanks!

Arf Ortiyef said...

this record always reminds me of the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

shit son! the first track kind of sounds like a precursor to Summoning.

z said...

thank you so much for this!!

Roger Camden said...

holy shit
a Nurse with Wound list record!

I thought this was going to be slightly weird garage rock after glancing at the cover
then I played the first track and looked at the band name again

ten years ahead of their time, easily
should've been Throbbing Gristle contemporaries like Boyd Rice or someone

cjejons said...

Thanks for this.

bjorn said...

this is going to be fun....

bjorn said...

man oh man! that is heavy. wild power! ...greatest record so far in your blog of wonder

Humdinger said...

Praise be, Aesop!
I'm thinking of making some cdrs and handing them to the french canadien hippy bongo players at my park across the street. Scare 'em straight.

J said...

It took me a while to realize that track 7 "Toth, Scribe 1" is just "Caledonia" slowed down a bunch. The guitar on "First World of Bronze" sounds a lot like some 80's guitar shredding whammy-bar wackiness that I almost wonder if if added much later to the record. This album is so good!!!

I thought I had read somewhere that the ESP label took out an ad in a paper looking for acts to sign and that two songwriters booked some studio time to make this crazy record w/ the money ESP gave them.

Only in the sicksties!

Nick said...

Once again you prove that cosmic hearse is the best blog on the 'net. Thanks!

CROOPER said...

This is amazing, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit! This is a gem! If you're home in early June, drop by the Hemlock, 'twould be nice to see 'ee.

Aesop said...

What's going on at the Hemlock in early June?

Unknown said...

OMFG!!!! This is amazing. Very strange so far. Great post, thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Another great post...this is a gem that reeks of the forgotten, dark smelly side of the hippie underground- not 'have a nice day' but 'have a day tainted by a bad acid trip that'll make you choke on your own vomit'.
This is what the Godz should have sounded like, but didn't.

-The Anonymous Jew

SKV said...

My God! That opening track is like Comus meets Test Dept.

ido said...

Being born and raised in lame-ass ol' rural (now sub-shitty-urban) CT, I'm definitely going to give this a spin.

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing. the way this sounds at times is proto-black metal defined

Devil Dick said...

devil dick approved

Rachel said...

When I lived in a vacuous strip-mall hellhole at the age of 16, psychedelics were a new thrill that were extremely hard to come by.

To break the monotony, I once ground up 3 packs of morning glory seeds in a coffee grinder and parachuted the powder.

This record sounds like ergotism poisoning, plain and simple.

It brings back memories of seeing Freddy Krueger's face twist into a spiral in the toilet whilst feverishly dry-heaving sandy, acrid paste for a half-hour.

It's that good. 1969? Really?

Anonymous said...

Wow! You got yourself some far out shit there. Listening to this made me forget things.

Anonymous said...

Aesop, are you into Yahowa13?

Aesop said...

I just don't know enough about Yahowa 13 to have an opinion.

anonymoose said...

think youll love some of it if you check it out:
All things good yr way come. B