Finland's most feral bands, Kieltolaki, Viemann Kolonna, Vaarinkasitys, Totuus, Sotatila, Omaisuusvahinko and Yhteiskunaan Ystavat gather forces to kick ass, but my favorite is the neck-snapping fury of Vaarinkasitys. If you hunger for bands with names you can't pronounce, get Propaganda Is Hippies in your earholes now!
Now is a play off Nigel Pepper Cock or the other way around?
I don't follow you.
Didnt Nigel Pepper Cock have an album called Punk is Hippies? Call me dumb but I never knew what that meant.
Not that I know of, but it is a play on the old GISM slogan "Punks Is Hippies"
another question about the title: do you think its a reference to the way talk about peace, love, multiculturalism, and other liberal bullshit functions as capitalist ideology? if so that's pretty awesome. i've been looking a long time for bands that play left wing d-beat/crust/whatever without the spineless anarcho-hippie shit. oh and the music is absolutely ripping but that goes without saying.
Chris is hippies. thanks
I think GISM was referring to the touchy feely nonsense in political punk at the time. GISM was nihlist and deconstructivist in that way.
This compilation is way more awesome than this comments thread. Thanks once again for the upload, sir!
i actually felt the need to say thank you cause it was so great to listen to it on manday day-off!
plus i got to listen to some bands i never heard of before.
thanks aesop!
Ah thanks, I wanted to hear this a few weeks ago CHEERRRRS
Blog are hippie
Bloggers is hippidoom.
obviously propaganda is like riot city records of finland, or clay records of finland if you like...and yeah is hippies grism
finnish punk....he-he...tango is big finish too you know....peculiar far off country....finnish-ugrisch is hippies
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