Nidhöggsburg was a short lived project Hendrik Möbus, founder of the infamous teenage German Black Metal band Absurd. Upon his release from prison for the murder of a classmate, Möbus released this crazy fucked up cassette called (D)rache wird toben!. This has to be the strangest, most poorly recorded bit of Third Reich fetishist Black Metal ever and that includes that stupid Command tape we all got a boner over a ways back. In fact, this is so fucking wonky it reminds me of Corneus and those other twisted one man Saarland Black Metal bands that have been popping up on the hearse. Yeah, like all things pertaining to Absurd, this bears some controversial political associations that might make you scared or sad or fill you with a sudden self-righteous indignation if you are sensitive.
This is probably my apathy talking, but why are people so sensitive about the whole Nazi thing? It seems to me that if somebody made something called Buddhist Rock and sang about achieving enlightenment and the things you had to do to achieve enlightenment nobody would have a problem with it, except maybe it would be crap because that's not what Rock is about... but when people go about hating the Nazi ideals and sing about them or whatever, everybody gets all indignant and self-righteous about it.
Just sayin'...
I just don't think buddhists carry the same stigma as nazis. I understand completely WHY people get indignant, the question is the HOW and the WHERE they get indignant., and when people wish to tell me how WHAT and WHO can be on this blog that I fail to understand.
"Politics" aside (yeah those were quotes) this tape makes no fucking sense whatsoever. I cannot even begin to comprehend HOW someone would apply himself to record something of such an abysmal quality. WTF, did he bury the "master tape" in the woods then dig it out six months later to approach a piss enough fidelity? How can he come up with this shit when early Absurd was miles better?
Conclusion: Props to Aesop for digging up a lulzy artifact, no props to Möbus for a hella non-ballsy tape. Badass wolf cover though.
@Mister: I look at it as free, and worth every penny.
reference Corneus, and I'm all about this! i saw a kid with an absurd shirt at our last show, maybe they're "trendy" now.
...yeah it's ok to be a nazi
sieg heil motherfuckers!!
It's actually not bad. Superficially it reminds me a lot of Spear of Longinus' "Nazi Occult Metal", but with much worse musicianship and recording quality.
I'd like buddist rock. Fuck teenagers trying to be extreme.
I fucking love this!!! Even if I took all my tapes and buried them in the woods for a hundred years and pissed on the ground everyday, I don't think they'd come out this beautifully fucked up. I am amazed by this. It's like Black Metal "Kinder der Tod" by Palais Schumberg, Lord Hansmelsch and Gretmald go into the wooks, bury a tape, and eat a pill popping house. I also kind of feel like I'm listening to a tape of a German art film that we saw at the community center and taped with our little hand-held cassette recorder and then buried in the woods and... What do you think? Everything is just turned up to 11 and hit record? I think I hear the speaker cabinet grill buzzing? Is this just live over drivenness? It's actually done in stereo.
Say what you want, but listening to fucking nazi bands REALLY SUCKS! The real joke is, if these bands put out records this shitty that didn't have racist lyrics, you wouldn't want to have anything to do with it! The fact that people I know and friends of mine listen to this kind of shit and somehow manage to justify it is fucking heartbreaking.
Actually I would listen to this band with or without racism, and I think the content of this blog supports that notion, but your self-righteous indignation is duly noted and appreciated.
blah blah blah, "me good, nazis bad" whatever. i think the more popular this blog gets (and obviously it's getting more popular), the more confounded punk rockers are going to squeal against these NSBM posts. and then secretly download them and jerk off to it.
the self-righteous posts are always anonymous, no?
...and usually sort of sad and pathetic.
i love that this exists. and i love that part at the very end with that guy saying something about Leonardo Da Vinci and then some goofy circusy music plays... anybody have any idea what he's saying?
Weird sounds. It's very washed out extremely lo-fi but with "retarded naziteen verion of Laibach & Blood Axis in an underground dishwasher" vocals.
Re: NSBM bands political suspect stuff - it should be obvious that with your blog Hendrik Möbus isn't getting one penny (er, Euro) from this. Plus, you're certainly not stooping to this level of retardation:
Also, would the 3rd Reich look upon crappily record material as "worthy of the Aryan elite"? I think not. They'd use 'em as street thugs and then "dispose" of when they were no longer useful.
I've seen pictures of Möbus and he's about as intimidating-looking as a bucket of ice with a baby champagne bottle wedged inside it. He wouldn't make much of a thug is what I'm saying here.
The little I've heard of Absurd was pretty much useless, so this was pleasantly surprising. Aside from the murkiness (and I like murkiness), not nearly as hopeless as I expected. Thanks.
Well, the new stuff from Absurd is actually pretty good, it´s even real good produced. And since Hendrik Möbus´brother took over the band, the lyrics are more of the pagan, than nazi-kind (and he actually has a pretty good clean singing voice in some songs).
this totally rules, just wish it was upped at 320... in general that's the only comlaint i have about this great blog... really i kind of wish it was a cdr subscription service, i would pay a lot...
Haha, this is the most funny thing I listened to in a LONG time. If you don't understand the lyrics it wouldn't even half as fun! "Blood Axis in an underground dishwasher vocals" is a very apt description for the first song, though. And, well, Ragnar, Die Nacht der langen Messer means Night of the long knives, i.e. Hitler, Göring and Himmler and, of course, black SS murdering the brown SA (+ a whole bunch of national-conservative and private enemies in the same dishes). In 1934 life as "stormtroopers of the national revolution" suddenly became uneasy - Death In June...
The outro (taken from a propaganda-movie) goes as follows: "Look what Mussolini has said: In the thirty years the Borgias reigned, there was just war, terror, murder and blood. But Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance, too. In the same time in Switzerland, there ruled brotherly love. Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what we gained from that? The coockoo-clock..."
well, not that bad.
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