My friend Chris Beug has a new band called Megaton Leviathan. I saw them play at Gilman recently and they were colossal, emotional, and hypnotic. This is their first demo CDR, self released with a nice screen-printed cover. The sound is ethereal doom/drone/ambient sonic vastness with beautiful hooks. Chris was kind enough to share this with the readers and riders on the Cosmic Hearse. An excellent new band out of Portland. Support!
this is really good...thanks for sharing it
Compare this demo's packaging to the 2nd Wolves In The Throne Room demo, especially the back. Everything is the same, the font, the layout, the picture of the trees in the background, and the silver ink on black paper. The music is good, but I don't get the total similarities packaging-wise. That and the awful name are a few points against them. Some people might find the shoegaze blackmetal thing a little "hip" too.
This sounds stunning. Will download and listen tonight. Thanks again for always posting great music, both new and old.
Cool band name.
Just listened to this on my way to get coffee, really cool stuff. Their drummer Is pretty great.
Hashtrash. Chris was a member of WITTR for a time, that might explain some of the aesthetic similarities, but we won't hold it against him.
Have WITTR jumped the shark or something? I haven't listened to the last three recordings so I'm in the dark about the "hold it against him"
Whether the wolves have vertically circumnavigated an aquatic predator or not is unknown to me. I was addressing the similarities to the artwork.
thanks, Aesop, but the similarities are based on the fact that I made the screen for WITTR back in the day, they've used a number of my photographs and I do graphic work for them now and again (I also put together our cover art in 5 min at kinkos the day before tour) Nathan and I also have an almost identical sense of aesthetics.
black metal was the furthest thing from my mind when i wrote this music. however despite the many influences i draw from black sabbath and judas priest did shine through nicely. about the art. like chris said, we had 5 minutes of decision... and we did it in a Kinkos. it was a lot of fun. Andrew C. Megaton dude.
good fuckin shit!
You better watch out and hold on tight - we're heading your way like dynamite!
(can't believe I'm the first one to get the band name reference.)
Well that was great, thanks for sharing
Thanks for this, Aesop! I stumbled upon your blog searching for info on them having recently stumbled on them via Myspace somehow. Looks like I have some catching up to do, lots of good sounding stuff being posted. Enjoyed seeing you with Agalloch in Belgium last year and Chicago/Milwaukee this year!
I'm with ya SKV. I've thought numerous times about what a killer band name Megaton Leviathan would be. And lo and behold it is a killer band name! Hope the music stands up to the monumental moniker.
i was at the gilman for this show. all of the bands that played that night ruled. thanks for putting this album up.
Longtime fan and reader, I finally decided that to continue not commenting would make me a complete tool due to how much I appreciate (and am occasionally pleasantly befuddled by) your taste.
This is amazing. Vaguely reminds me of a less cacophonous, absinthe laced version of The Angelic Process.
This is really nice.
MEGATON LEVIATHAN debut album "Water, Wealth, Hell On Earth", will be released by the spanish label FÉRETRO RECORDS, and will be out in June.
This is so good. Do you have the 2nd demo or does anyone know where I can get it. downloaded this this week and I cant for the love of god stop listening to it. Thanks again Cosmic Hearse for tuning me on to another fine band!
Megaton Leviathan debut album "Water Wealth Hell On Earth" is out now via FÉRETRO RECORDS.
This is a goddamn great album, and it sounds great when played louder than hell in the headphones.
Thanks again, Aesop, and it was my loss that it took so long to get to listening to this.
these guys are playing in downtown LA next month and I plan on being there
-anonymous jew
Just saw these guys with Galdr, Into the Storm and Addaura in Seattle. Great stuff. Megaton Leviathan is the only name heavy enough to represent this music.
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