You all seem to respond to the posts about these early FWOSHM (first wave of Swedish Heavy Metal) bands, so I am excited to share with you all one of my favorite of these obscure recordings, Insane's Games of the World demo from 1983. Insane hailed from the bullshit town of Oskarshamn, a town known for it's nuclear power plant. We have well established that these young Swedish metal bands all seem to share a natural, naive charm and a seemingly endless joy in playing no-frills Heavy Metal, Insane is no different really. Insane's songwriting craft was a step above the milieu, these songs will stick like peanut butter in your pubes (don't ask how it got there.) Lyrically they deal in the usual metal topics: evil, knights, swords...but then there is the track "Living and Loving (and Dying For You)" in which front dude, Freddy Kuk, woefully croons about finding out that his favorite flicka is, in fact, a lesbian. Tough break, Kuk. Games of The World is so insanely great that is should be filed under "if you don't love this you are a dick."
Hope you got that "Kuk" in swedish is "Cock", and I'm not talking about the bird.
Curiousa: Kuk means dick in swedish
This might be my favorite Hearse FWOSHM post next to Gotham City.
is that the real cover? it looks so 1981 video game,or somebody found a bitchin way to blend color on a commodore and all involved found it to be an awesome cover choice
d/l'ing this based on your recommendation,though for sure
First song's great. Cheap Trick meets Killers-era Iron Maiden.
FWOSHM and Zam-rock. All day, every day. TACK!
The file keeps coming up as corrupt on my computer :(
Thank you for having quite possibly my favourite Blog out there. My morning is not complete without checking out the new post.
there sure are alot of bullshit towns in this world.
I just spray painted the walls. if you know what I mean. Wow this is great!
Nice post! Thnx ace!!! This rocks!! 1983?? W0w!!!
This is fucking awesome
I'm sat at my desk, chin raised, eyes shut, fist and teeth clenched... Excellent stuff
FWOSHM = Finnish Wave Of Super Heavy Metal
Very nice find.
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