Perhaps it is time this blog gave Paul Von Aphid his own tag. The guy responsible for Hearse favorites, Zaaku and Demon City Reaper, has once again graced us with another taste of strangely harsh and compelling musickness in the form of a new project called Sathanas Necrocunt. The band name and the demo's title Nunraping Tormentor From Hell should give you some idea as to what this sounds like. Pretty soon Paul Aphid will just be a genre unto himself.
I haven't had this much fun since Impaled Northern Moonforest. It is too grim!
delightful Sunday morning listening, this one is. Sounds like earsplitting black metal with The Blue Angels flying directly overhead. Donkey schön, CH und PVA.
Paul has got an ass-load of talent.
Paul is fucking awesome i wish all my gear hadn't got stolen before i could finish my collab with him.
Awesome stuff.
This guy is fucking busy. He has his thousands of Black Metal groups, Punk and 2 (that I know of) Power Electronics groups.
in fact, it was recorded in 2007, year before Zaaku and DCR.
Ryan, there was also electropunk band Martian Church XX (it was issued on the same label as Sealings/Lois Magic below - FLA tapes, awesome label), ando now im also working on 4-5 projects as usual (www.myspace.com/scrapinglee - you will like it).
and there's tape of Poison Tongue (Beherit mix Goblin mix Atrax Morgue) is out on NoVisible Scars label.
thnx for posting it, Aesop!
So Paul, how can I hear these other projects?
nun rapping? killer.
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