Fuck Christmas! It sucks, it's antiquated, it appeals to people's greed and sappy sentimentality, it's depressing. Here's the annual coal for your proverbial ear stocking, Lee Ving and FEAR's Fuck Christmas single. One side is the original version, and the other is a radio friendly version without that unsightly F-word. The sentiment remains the same. Fuck Christmas!
Don't be a Scrooge dude. Come on where's your holiday spirit? Lol
Couldn´t agree more, Christmas is dead so fuck it!
Saw this the other day, made me think of it.
I was listening to this a couple of weeks ago as part of FEAR The Record, and two things occurred to me - it was only thirteen days to Xmas and FEAR are terrible.
So why do I love that album?
Aesop, thanks for this one. Christmas and its crass commercialism has always bothered me a lot. But for some reason this year just seems worse.
amen brother!
Fuck Christmas,Fairytale of New York-The Pogues and No Presents for Christmas by the King are three songs that I always put on my Christmas compilations.
Merry Christmas/Happy Chanuka/Happy Kwanza.etc.
tis a perfecy way to curse the birth of the Nazarene bastard! Hails to a kVlt tr00 and grim XXXmas!
I love Fear, and this song is pretty great too, but I also love Christmas as a celebration of prosperity and family/friends. I guess I'm just a capatilist dog, but fuck yeah christmas.
"it appeals to people's greed"
As if this blog doesn't?
"it's antiquated"
As if the peasant mindset found in all hardcore punk music isn't?
An Xmas visit from the Touché Douché.
"As if the peasant mindset found in all hardcore punk music isn't?"
oh man, sweet new band name - "peasant mindset". ha ha ha!
Fear were pretty much a terrible band, but I have a soft spot for them. Fuck Christmas is a cracker as well.
Fear, terrible??? in what sense? Yeah, Lee Ving is dickhead, but the Fear - the Record is in a world of it's own musically, I don't know of ANYTHING from the era/genre that touches it musically.(suggestion welcome) Why? they could play, and play weird, Spit Stix was in marching bands as a kid and a lot of the songs are based on his drum warm ups. Listen to the drumming again carefully.
Derf Scratch was hot, Fear - The Record biggest problem is that it's lumped in as a "Punk" album. Play it to a open minded muso type and, well,see what they say, and read these two interviews, and listen again.
There is also a great demo floating about
some of my comments on that one too...
I do like Fear, but there were better bands out there in my opinion. Minutemen, Saccharine Trust, Black Flag, Flipper, No Trend to name 4.
But yeah, Fear - The Record is good fun.
..an old time classic....
FEAR is great...
I usually avoid traditional Christmas and do my own celebration of snuggling up with my lady, putting the blues on hold, firing one up and calling old friends and family that I don't have the chance to catch up with. No gifts, no mad shopping rush, just cherishing the things I feel grateful to have...health, friends, music, etc. And FEAR was an amazing band...The Record is some of the strangest punk music ever written and Lee Ving was one hell of a vocalist. Great Post!
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