Some time back I posted Douglas P's collection of personal favorite Death In June tracks titled DISC-riminate. I mentioned that it was an excellent primer in the rather extensive discography of the band. For those of you whose interest was piqued I have posted Death In June's very first album, The Guilty Have No Pride.
my addiction to Di6 started with this LP, it's fucking awesome.
btw, now listening to band ROSES NEVER FADE, its darkfolk from Integrity members - really great stuff. check out their "Fade to Black" LP here - http://skullofamoose.blogspot.com/2009/10/there-is-place-in-hell-for-all-gods.html
Btw, i always was a really happy about that fact that Di6 gather their nazi image from Joy Division (and early sound too). And their way from left activism in Crisis to "rose clouds of holocaust" in 90's...
Weird, but love the music.
nice. ive been killing this album over the last month. perfect for autumn weather.
i have a strange story about this album.
this past summer in june, i was working at my job as a painter, listening to this fine album. "Heaven Street" is the song that rings in my head. After work that day i found out my father had died in a motorcycle accident. i had to tell my mother and sisters. It was a hard day. What an awful pun: "death in june"
RIP Doug DeRaadt 1957-2009
Sorry to hear that.
I have this but it's called the Guilty Have No Pride...aside from a different record cover and title,it's the same album,right? Death in June are dark and depressive...ya' this one has more in common wth Joy Division than their later folk stuff. Check out that Diskriminate,Aesop also has posted.............................
Actually, Daniel, you caught me in a careless typo. Noted and fixed. I appreciate it.
Isn't there a similar release called "Not Guilty and Proud" too? DI6 recycles/re-re-releases so much material it's almost impossible to keep track. Great band though, I like pretty much all their material except for the noise collage type stuff that sometimes pops up. "Brown Book" and "Nada" are my favorites!
this is awesome! i've sort of had a hard time getting into DiJ previously, but this could be the gateway drug. also, it's perfect for the otherworldly vibe of accidentally waking up at 4:30 when it's already getting dark.
adore Di6, but kind of stopped listening to them when I started dating my current girlfriend (from the Hebrew tribes); not so sure she would be so keen on all those SS skull record sleeves.
Good shit, but everything that comes after this does it so much more for me. Nada! is where I would start with the band, personally.
I also like the renditions of these songs on Burial better.
Martin: this here half-Jew is a big DIJ fan. I had a great time helping security throw skinheads out of their Boston show many years back. Explain the aesthetic to her and you'll be fine. :P
Aesop: thanks for this post, my CDs were all stolen out of my boyfriend's car in a smash-and-grab this week and I was going to be missing DIJ a lot.
great album. you got good taste!
hellfuckyeah allday.
So, let me get this right, "Guilty Have no PAST" is just a re-release of this + more tracks?
lots of this stuff here
The only other release I've heard by them before is "But What Ends when Symbols Shatter". This is compelling stuff.
"What Ends..." is my favorite DIJ album.
@ Martin: DIJ uses an altered totenkopf as opposeed to the Nazi SS one. If you look closely it actually has a slight smile. Plus, Douglas Pierce is openly gay and has collaborated with jewish musicians such as Richard Leviathan of Ostra.
Granted some of their material is provocative but also often lyrically very abstract (save for "Horst Weissel Lied" on "Brown Book").
normally not my thing, but i like this quite a bit. douglas' voice is perfect for this sound. thanks!
Everyone liking this should check Above the Ruins, the stuff Tony Wakeford has done right before the first Sol Invictus album. Very, very post-punk, Division Freude and an even stronger Decline of the West-feel than on later releases. Really recommended. Also check Crisis. Great Post-1977-Punk. A lot of UK "old school" punks don't know this, strange, but true.
I'm having trouble downloading this file. The download just ends apruptly after a few minutes and the file says that there was an unexpected end of archive error. Help?
DIJ's "very first album"???? Boy, you johnny-come-lately(and lamely) "fans" never do get it right, now do you? This powerful band had other albums before this compilation e'p. came along, "Nada!", being one, but ,let me guess, you never heard of that album, right? Ahahahaaaaa, keep 'em laughing, you cretin!
Cresh, a true DIJ fan
Cresh, yes DIJ had eps before this but this was the first LP. It came in 1983. Nada in 85. But I support your using the internet to prove you are smarter and cooler than everyone else. Keep up the great work.
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