This excellent compilation reminds us that Christians aren't always stodgy, bloated, white people that hate fun. Sometimes they are rocking black folk that love a great song as much as they love their Jesus. Even when they're decrying the evils of the Devil's rock music it rocks. Life Is a Problem collects some of the greatest, strangest primitive gospel music the world has ever heard.
hallelujah weirdness?
nice one !!!!
Thanks for the great last two posts, Aesop. Totally grateful for the weirder stuff you sometimes post.
Is black metal gospel music for Satan? SARGEIST's "Satanic Black Devotion" and BEHERIT's "Drawing Down the Moon" have that sentiment.
Crumb Brothers song is an all time favorite.
the sister ola mae terrel jam is beyond words mostly. all of it is really.
This is for sure one of my favorite Mississippi releases.
This is outstanding! You know where I can catch the liner notes? Every song on here is begging to be read about.
Amazing. Thanks for this, and while I'm at it, for all the other great records I've downloaded and not said thanks for.
glorious! great find sir...
One of my favorite Mississippi Records releases!
Dang. So good. Thanks for putting this up :)
Would be great if you could re-up this cool piece of wax, than you! :)
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