I am sixteen and I am laying on my bed listening to this on my headphones. I hate the world and I want to get the fuck out of this bullshit town. Until I can, I have this towering catharsis of a record, and I couldn't give a fuck about the jocks and the squares. They don't know about this album, feedback, or honey. Fuck 'em.
One of my favourite albums of all time. Up there with Loveless by My Bloody Valentine and Galaxie 500's Toda. 2 bands you could compare them to. Just Like Honey is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
One of the best albums ever!!!!!
I'm really happy to see J&MC here.
I as lucky enough to attend three dates of the Rollercoaster tour in 1992, and what a line up:
My Bloody Valentine
Dinosaur Jr
Blur (and even them they were good).
Three nights of J&MC music at full blast!
A google search proves I'm not alone in thinking it was "I'll be your plastic toilet".
Great album.
Missing link between Velvet Underground and Confuse!!!!
Slobodan, YES!!!
Chris, I actually thought it was "I'll be your public toilet"
Makes me think of that club in HOllywood (FL), The Cell. It smelled like vanilla and sold $1 Fosters. Remember that club? Dang, I'm pulling this record out TODAY!
The only album a person needs.
Jill, I remember that hole. I saw SNFU there.
A band I probably should have been listening to all along. Thanks.
this is their finest.
my metalhead girlfriend gives me shit whenever i put this album on. i'm glad somebody is on my side wit this
Cosmic Hearse is always on your side. I know many a metalhead with an affinity for this album. We have a saying 'round here, "No pleasure need come with guilt."
ya when I was a kid this wasn't punk to me(not fast,fast,fast.)Now as an adult? I think this record is heavy...and yes punk. I can hear the influence JAMC have had on a lot of the new noisier bands.Just like Honey Reminds me of watching 120 minutes with Dave Kendall... Damn this record is killer!!!!!
I absolutely love this album. Maybe not as much as Darklands, which gets a spin on my record player daily, but it really is amazing. I definitely recall being 16, drinking a ton of Nyquil, and just laying face down on my bed listening to this and Loveless back to back. Good times!
Aesop, your little paragraph is one of the all-time finest pieces of music journalism. Believe me, that's not just your own story you're telling there!
thanks a lot man. this is one of the records i keep telling myself to get and yet keep forgetting too. i haven't listened to it in forever. i'm stoked.
I feel bad for you, this shit is Ghay wif a capital G
a perfect record, and aesop, a perfect articulation of its magic.
I never would've made a bridge between the velvets and confuse but that makes total sense.
Wow. My new favorite album. Thank you so much!
This album is fucking deathless. It sounds even more amazing listening to it decades later. Also amazing is how this great music had to compete with crap like the Culture Club and the Fixx. 80's nostalgia is fucking horseshit, but it is good to be reminded that some primo music came out of the alternative music scene back then. Or was it still called new wave? It doesn't matter a damn. What matters is that albums like 'Psychocandy' were all that matters. Old issues of Spin Magazine can rot in the landfills.
-the anonymous jew
This album makes me think of spring time. Driving around in a piece of shit car loaded with goths; looking back in time, I did not have a care in the world. I remember this as a tape, that was the main media at the time. This would be great stripper music for Betty Page lookalike. How can this music not make you happy!!
what am I missing here I bought this rekkid when it was the rage of the critics. And to this day every single chance it gets only deepens my apathy for this echo-y mopey easy listening punk.
How can you swing from the Minutemen to this tripe in a blink of an eye?
It is a failed cross between Joy Division and Echo and the Bunnymen...
you're missing anonymous balls.
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