Most thrash records fail to interest me. However once I accepted that not all thrash bands were going to be as badass as Kreator, I was able to enjoy this more polished Bay Area style of thrash with the hokey singing, tight pants, and puffy shoes. Forbidden's Twisted Into Form is an exceptional album. It's vibrant, focused, and perfectly executed. Rather fun once in a while, especially on a road trip or a party, but still I can't help but feel that this type of thrash was just an awkward evolutionary step between Slayer and Morbid Angel.
Evolutionary step between thrash and progressive metal is possibly why it doesn't work for you. Nothing to do with Morbid Angel.
The artwork is terrible, but it appears as though the artist thinks it is REALLY good. Even Pushead was less obvious.
Wise words. And thanks!
This record has been one I've dug since it was released. More so than the debut. Too bad they weren't able to capitalize on this record, but it's got a lot of memorable hooks.
I have a soft spot for less-than-first tier Bay-Area thrash.
I'm pretty content on most days hanging out on the awkward evolutionary steps...
This is the holy grail of big white shoes,tightass jeans,and leaning the head to the side while taking band picture thrash
I have a soft spot for this record, having grown up in the Bay Area. But I always lumped them in with the lower-tier Bay Area thrash bands, such as Vio-Lence. Don't get me wrong, I liked Vio-Lence, too... but then below Vio-Lence were a whole slew of local bands who were aspiring to get to the level of a Forbidden or a Vio-Lence, not realizing that these bands were never much more than mediocre to begin with. Testament was the only one of the bunch that seemed to grok that the way to get noticed as a Bay Area thrash band was to try, try, try your hardest to sound like Metallica and be sure to put out a new album every year. Which speaks a lot for the creativity and originality of Bay Area thrash bands in general, I guess.
I went to see Exodus(Fabulous Disaster tour)and Forbidden opened up(they were good)...Anyways I got kicked out for underage drinkin' during Exodus...met the drummer from Forbidden outside,told him their set was great and how I was a big fan of Forbidden Evil ,also managed to slip in there how I just got kicked out. He ended up sneaking me back in through the band entrance. I made it just in time to hear Toxic Waltz and get punched in the nose.Good Times!!!! Thanks Paul Bastoph(I think that's the drummers name...you know the guy who replaced Dave Lombardo in Slayer).
Nice. I haven't heard "Twisted Into Form" in many a year. I think I still have an original copy of this buried beneath a mountain of cassette tapes somewhere... However, I have a sneaking suspicion that when I give this album another spin, the vocals will border along being excruciatingly painful to listen to.
thanks....... Never heard of this, going to listen to it... WHILE ON POT.
Why is it infinite, the evil that revolves around our universe! The always changing, never changing!...This record was an awesome discovery for me as a wee lad, I was sold by the ridiculously awesome cover art, but I thought it was the seething anger bubbling in every riff and every falsetto holler that set it apart from its Bay Area contemporaries.
Gonna have to agree on the cover art- while the green changing face thing is ok enough for a Metal album from this time period,the interlocked little people thing is pretty ugly and looks very Un-Metal,much to the detriment and ultimate failure of the piece as a whole.
The artwork rules.
Fuck all of you, I'm painting this on the side of my van.
For once I agree, all this techno-thrash stuff is basically lame, and should go back to being forgotten.
Speaking of Slayer and Forbidden don't both bands cover the Judas Priest classic "Dissident Aggressor." Someone mentioned Vio-Lence. "Eternal Nightmare" is great still have that on cassette somewhere. An underrated Bay Area band is the Seahags. They are not thrash, kinda bluesy hardrock but it is still good stuff.
i always thought the little interlocking people things on the cover were used condoms. this album gets a B, maybe B+
i think this forbidden,testament,and death angel get a little too much credit when it comes to Thrash. yeah they started out as thrash bands,but they jumped of the boat full of ugly thrashing maniacs,and onto the nice Rip magazine ship pretty damn quick. testament and death angel went for a rock sound,and forbidden was always going for that "classy" bs. thrash was ugly music for dirtbags,and when you saw pictures of these dudes lookin all pretty boy,with their sweet long hair all parted to the side,and nice new big puffy white shoes...that was some poser bs right there. real thrash is ugly like paul baloff
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