Remember when I posted It's Casual's New Los Angeles album, and I mentioned that among it's many merits, it conveyed perfectly the zeitgeist of L.A.? I think Flipper's Generic album does the same for San Francisco. It evokes rainy days of Mission District art-punk heroin poverty, and the grey ennui and existential doubt that come with it. Flipper was San Francisco's most iconic and iconoclastic punk band, and their influence has been felt far and wide. They were real and they were without fear, they were dark and they were funny. No other band has made me think more than Flipper, but I imagine that you probably feel the same way.
Dull Comment
Love it
Never Been to SF?
Nevermind Bollocks SF?
Nice Breasts Sex Fart?
One of my favorite albums. Grim & funny.
i used to play this one start to finish back in the day at the uptown, when capp st. was really dirty and fun.
a few years ago i saw a 30sec live clip of flipper playing low rider (my first flipper experience) and it really blew me away but i never investigated. in a perverse way it reminded me of the happy mondays. the weird funk thing.
anyway, thanks for this..it`s fantastic.
aesop, do you know let`s play domination by world domination enterprises?
"Ever see a couple kissing and get sickened by it"
Seem especially appropriate for this weekend.
An utter classic
I saw Flipper when i was 16 ,only had heard Ha,ha,ha off the Let them eat jellybeans comp..They(Will shatter was dead by then) were so wasted,they could hardly stand. I left half way through...didn't understand the genious as a young man. love FLIPPER!?.#$
Well, well, well... earlier this afternoon I'd uploaded Flipper's performance on KALX radio to my blog and strolled over to see what's going down at the Hearse only to find this. Spooky :-D
Ultra Bunny (the remnants of Bunny Brains) did a full set of Flipper covers like 5 years ago for Halloween. It ruled hard.
Drugs, art, punk, Mission District. Sounds good!
First time I saw them was with MDC at the Stone in the 80s. They quickly cleared the house but I was transfixed as randoms jumped up and sang while the band chucked full cans of beer at each others heads. There was maybe four people watching by the end. Years later I've got a Flipper tattoo on my hand done by a high Mike Desert that strikes up the weirdest conversations you've ever heard.
Thanks- Rotten Ron
Sex Bomb was the first song i ever learned on bass... =D i think i was 15 yrs old er sumthing.. 0.o thnx ace!
Between this and the first Pups album you're posting some of the greatest this week Aesop. Was lucky enough to see Flipper in the early '90s and again here in Sydney just a few months ago. Almost 20 yrs later and they still fucking RULED (OK?). Both times Bruce got too wasted to finish the set and the mic was handed to an audience member for Sex Bomb. What I want to know is: is that all just part of their regular shtick or genuinely spontaneous? At the gig in Sydney last year Steve and Bruce were fighting and they both took turns having tantrums and walking off stage. Everyone I know who was there had the distinct impression that it was staged. Honestly, I couldn't give a flying fuck either way if it's shtick or not - I'm just interested. So, anyone else out there seen em and have anything to add, eh???
I normally come to the Hearse for big, fucked-up guitar sounds from bands I've never heard of, but the big, fucked-up sounds of Flipper (and the JAMC) got me through the 80's; good to know we're all coming the same place!
That I saw the original line-up at 688 in Atlanta is one of my proudest rock n' roll memories. I still remember Will Shatter staring blankly into the crowd - a challenge to us to mentally process the cranky dark sounds jutting from the stage. I was confused, enthralled, enriched. "The Light, The Sound" was a highlight that night.
we're playin a flipper tribute night at kimos this Wednesday the 24th of feburary!
come out!
church of flipper!
Flipper suck so hard they are the best at sucking and being great at it.
One of my ALL TIME best teenage memories. assholes but fucking great, just the best record ever, would have to be generic because no one would have them,hahahahohohoheeheehee indeed.
I love this record!
Thank you for posting it.
That's the way of the world!
my password to post id "derier" isn't that perfect.
She croaked!!!
Informative post,,
flipper bed is an interesting bed made by designer pietro arosio.as you can see it looks like a big sofa, but is still a bed.i can say that i like the desing, but is a little bit impractical.
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