Savage, unrelenting terror is what Krisiun serves up on Black Force Domain, their debut album from 1995. Krisiun were formed by three brutal brothers named Alex, Moyses, and Max in 1990. Krisiun's brand of Death Metal is particularly violent. It almost never breathes, just keeps on pummeling with both muscle and precision, almost too much at times. Not for the wimps, gawkers, or casual hobbyists, this is pure sonic violence. Even Satan would be freaked out by this one.
hah, yes! rise from black!
yeah, there's just something about this album that makes me want to violently assault priests, in a non sexual way. just turn it on and start bashing.
I grew up in buttfuck nowhere small-town southwest England where no fucker plays, so the first concert I ever went to was after I left home at 18 to go to college; Cannibal Corpse and Kreator, with these guys opening. This was late 2001, and honestly Krisiun bored the shit out of me. I've always heard their earlier material is much more interesting though... so, thanks for giving me the opportunity to give them a second chance.
the comment attributed to lins above was actually me...still logged into hers for some reason....
Can't wait!
Fergus mac Roich
some people just dont realize how many times this band has been copied...truly among the masters
some of the stuff that popped up after (or due to the influence of ...probably) Krisiun is also alright, Rebaelliun, Abhorrence, Ophiolatry etc.
^ (alright for a while, gets a bit boring quickly)
like the death metal version of Marduks version of black metal
thanks, I'll listen as soon as possible
been meaning to get to these guys for a while, thanks!
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