Quality Black Metal from America. Torture Chain have released two unrelentingly cold tapes, the second being titled Across Great Landscapes to a Legacy of Blood. No idea where these guys are from, but I do know that this kills. Nothing here is very risky, but the riffs and atmosphere bring to mind some of the better Norse bands. Just well executed Black Metal, nothing more, nothing less.
california. god damn.
Any idea what part?
Wow! Negative Approach cover at the end was a surprise!
^^ i was just coming here to write exactly that ^^
A one man band according to metal archives
It's actually one dude from Boston. Not sure if he wants it to be known who he is though.
This is pretty fucking awesome. Satan bless ye olde Cosmic Hearse.
Good shred. Hardcore/Metal. I think Torture Chain is Torturer from Somerville, Massachusetts. I think he's the bass player from Boston Power Violence outfit, Mind Eraser.
Three tapes, actually. Prior to Across Great Landscapes to a Legacy of Blood were Humbling Isolation Terror and Mountains of Hate. Both quite good, but Across... is the most fully realized by far.
Finally got around to listening to this. Your description is right on the money. Thanks for posting, as always, Aesop!
Grim and frostbitten.
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