Northern Calloway is best remembered as David, the affable denizen of Sesame Street, who blew off law school and took over the store when Mr. Hooper died. What many people did not know was Northern had a very tumultuous real life battle with mental illness, where daydreams became nightmares, and periods of make believe often began with assaulting hookers with rebar, and ended naked and bloody in a very tangible state hospital. Enjoy your day.
I will enjoy my day much more, knowing the hospital is real.
rebar will do the job.......no doubt about it.......
man, that's so tragic. love the old Sesame Street records. still spin the Roosevelt Franklin one you posted a while back Aesop.
tour looks to have gone well. glad you had fun, but it's good to have you back.
Best comeback ever. Love this shit!
Welcome back Aesop, to Sesame Street!
thats fucked up
This is what I've been missing for 2 months: originality. Where else are you going to find something as eccentric as a pick like this. Keep the good times coming.
Jail is the new kindler, gentler treatment for ppl with mental health issues. A kindler, gentler machine gun hand (h/t to Neil Young). You are a smart fellow, how can you increase traffic to your blog without spamming or polluting another blogster's cbox?
I'm fairly certain if I had to work on a kiddie show I'd blow off some steam beating hookers with rebar too.nintu
Jo Jo, follow other good blogs and leave comments
Word up...I appreciate the expansive randomization too.
thanks for coming back, this is a great record to kick off with
Welcome back and thanks for both the Sesame Street LP and the link to Ross' tour diary. I'm a sucker for a good tour diary and it didn't disappoint. Scumps!
Fuck I never knew that, very depressing stuff
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