Here's a totally rare, privately pressed, Heavy Metal EP from Canada's Mystique. I know what you're thinking, "So what, it's rare, is it good?" Dude, it's beyond good, it's gooder. Mystique is a bit like the eccentric NWOBHM band Hell. Poorly recorded, but rich in spirit. Delicious archaic keyboards, some tasty guitars, and some awesome fantasy lyrics. It'd be a shame to miss this one.
A lot like a more complicated Vitus. Even the guy's falsetto is pretty similar at time. feedback intro on No Return is pretty dope. And you have to love a song called Wake Up Screaming. That title has a pretty great track record and the song is my favorite on here for what it's worth.
Oberkampf -Live St Etienne 13/10/2001:
These tracks could on been on MM IV or V. This is really good shit. Like Warlord's "Deliver Us" with out the gay jane fonda headbands.
keep bringing on the obscure heavy metal relics!
This album is rulz
Speaking of HELL, i heard somewhere the remaining members of were recording an album.
Can't imagine it would be as good as the other stuff
on my little blog there is a little post about your great blog : )
I hope you like, and thanks a lot for your work on cosmic hearse!!!
this band is fucking rule!! do you have anything else by them? i searched and couldn't find anything :(
Sadly, Mystique never got anything else out. As for Hell, yeah I have heard that they are playing with Martin of Skyclad taking over Halliday's role. Can't imagine it would touch the greatness of the original but still pretty cool. Misatonic Foundation will be releasing a Hell discography CD soon, but not soon enough for me.
nice post
this cover is total hell yes
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