Simon Gould read my post on the Metal Moo Cow comp and answered my plea to hear more material by some of the bands, especially Toe Jam. He so kindly ripped this to one long mp3 and scanned the cover so we could all check this out. Now this isn't as moving as their track on the aforementioned comp, which I described as GISM being fronted by Colin of GBH, but this tape is still quite a worthwhile piece of obscure Texan punk damage. Once again, the readers of this blog come through for us all. That warms my heart. Thanks, Simon, you are rule!!!
this is awesome. thanks
Thank you for commenting.
Love your blog, man.
I was in a band with some of the Toe Jam members. We were called Prenatal Lust and had a song on the "Cottage Cheese From The Lips Of Death" compilation.
When Prenatal Lust broke up, I think it was our drummer (Jeff DeCuir) and guitarist (Andrew Lopez) who went on to form Toe Jam (but I could be wrong, since it's been a few years).
Wow, Pesky, I remember that comp. Thanks for the info, prhaps you have some Prenantal Lust stuff to share?
Man, I wish I did. We went into BOSS studios to record one day. We had to wait a bit because another band was finishing up the recording of their first EP. The band was the Butthole Surfers.
Anyway, they finished and we quickly recorded several songs (I don't recall how many). I remember thinking we did a great job, but we broke up soon after and never released our EP.
I've meant to track those recordings down for years, but I worry that they may not even exist anymore. Jeff DeCuir (the drummer) would probably be the person who has them, if anyone does.
Well, if you do we'd all love to hear them, anyways thanks for the link to the comp....
here's a cool article looking back on that era of punk in San Antonio:
Damn i hope that video collector
friend i sent that S.A. HARDCORE video tape to that i carried around for 20 years didnt lose it.
toe jam was one of the better ones on there.
could you re-up that zshare link, I think it's gone screwy. Thank you.
I've wanted this since about 1987. Awesome, thank you.
Wow! I've been wanting to get ahold of this since first hearing ToeJam on Metal-Moo Cow years ago. Very fuckin' cool!
I'm not even sure ToeJam guitarist Terry 'Terror' Stanton has this. I'll definitely let him know. BTW, He recently tracked down an old studio tape of the band. I believe it's stuff recorded right before the band broke up and has never been heard.
Hey PeskyPesky, Raw Power &Light Co.? Walter Sez? You're prolly right about Jeff Decuir having PreNatal Lust music. I know Wayne Sunn Thomas does. I used to have some Prenatal Lust on cassette copied from his mega-stash of old S.A. Punk tapes.
Late-80's San Antonio Thrash scene promoter Tony Chainsaw has ToeJam on video. Live @Bone Club is what I saw. He's got alot of other local stuff on video too. I really wish he'd do something with it. Before it all disintegrates and is lost forever.
Mucho Gracias for the ToeJam tunes!
a million thanks for providing this missing piece of my nusical growth. toejam was one of my favorite - along with raging woodies, marching plague and others - bands to see growing up in san antonio in the 80's. this is really a lost treasure for some of us.
gotta bug tony c about that video next time i run into him!
How about sharing some of these other bands with us all?
Thanks for posting this.
I might have some Prenatal Lust recordings. I'm digging through a box of old cassettes now and found something that might be related entitled "Chaos - Live at Andrew's". The writing on the cassette looks like Jeff D's. Was Chaos a temporary name for PL or TJ?
I also appear to have a an FIFH practice tape (original lineup with real Iranian singer).
Found It! No promises, as we're talking a 25+ year old cassette that hasn't been played in probably 20 years...
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