Aaron Funk once referred to Winnipeg as "a frozen shithole," and as someone who has been there I can attest that it is a grey, depressing, soul-sucking, well...shithole. Sometimes shitholes provide just enough angst and crushing ennui to produce a few interesting bands. Venetian Snares, Swallowing Shit, and Terry Jacks all called Winnipeg home, but here's Fuckmorgue, a now defunct band from Winnipeg you've never heard of. Fuckmorgue combined punk, sludge, post-hardcore, black metal, and classic death rock into a furious snow flurry of negative vibes and frozen hostility. Corpse painted Canuck crusties death-obsessed and hell bent. Sadly the band only managed to eke out (I think) this one self-released CD titled Down Forever, , and I love this so fucking much If it were legal to do so, I'd marry it. Now you can have all the misery and negativity of Canada's most depressing city without having to go there. Some members of Fuckmorgue went on to form the equally compelling band, Kursk.