Okay, here's an oddity from 1971 and a band called Rumplestiltskin. The album Black Magician sounds kind of like the soundtrack to a particularly hackneyed Satanic hippie exploitation film. Lots of crazy fuzzy funk riffs, kooky hammond organs, and overblown vocals about witchy things, evil women and such. Not mind blowing but a fun listen nonetheless.
This was really some amazin' music. But then again I have a big soft-spot for early pseudo-satanic-black-ritual stuff. Reminds me of a cheesy end-credits-roll in a Hammer Horror flick. Thanks!
Never heard of this before, tanx for the upload!
Ming The Merciless?
"Rumplestiltskin" was my 'secret word' when I was young. In the eighties, parents with their kids established a 'secret word' to protect the kids from being abducted. For example, creeper dude in van shows up to pick li'l Ryan from school, says, "Your mom is sick, she sent me to get you. Also I have puppies. Cute ones. Getinthevan!" I say, what's the secret word? He, not being a fan of The Hearse, didn't catch this post, and thus doesn't know the secret word. I say, Fuck off, you pervy dickrag! I don't get raped. Thanks, this record is rad.
Thanks for stopping by Annihilate Next Week! Quality blogs like Cosmic Hearse are what made me want to get into blogging in the first place.
This record sounds extremely promising. Cheers!
Holy Fuck. That cover demands a listen.
Thanks for posting this. I couldn't pass up that cover and it's totally worth it.
P.S.: Shelby Cobras might be right: it does look like Ming. =)
sounds awesome. i'm going to check this mutha out tonight.
Kinda reminds me of Three Dog Night oddly enough.
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