Ancestors: More obscure and primitive black metal from America, released on tape. There is very little information given, it would seem that Ancestors don't want you to know much about them, and that is just fine, their frantic noisy black metal speaks volumes.
Thank you very much for this. I have this on tape and have been wanting it on my ipod for sometime. Greatly appreciate the work you do for the blog. IMO you are one of the better ones.
thanks this is real good
this band is from dekalb, il (home of judas iscariot) and features the guitar player of the old fast punk band CHARLES BRONSON.
Yowza this rips! Finally listened to this today. thanks for the up.
Guy from Charles Bronson is in this band (as someone already mentioned), and he has another lo-fi, raw Black Metal band with the same feel to it titled "Haxan". Demo has 3 songs, worth it.
The "Haxan" Demo can be found here:
Well, volumes... Very much like Bone Awl and Raspberry Bulbs (apart from Klaxon being a classical rip-off-label), but this REEKS of dishonesty and FAKE artsy clumsiness. As Haxan (the movie is called HÄXAN, rock döts!) is badly done "Celtic Frost"-worship (obviously copied not via original but via Darkthrone), Haxan and Arts-Logos looking neat, but Ancestors sound like their covers shows. This is the real SHIT. Indeed.
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