The Weaving Fates is such a great record that it's appeal couldn't be lessened by it's atrociously fruity romance novel cover art. Agatus is a Greek entity (now relocated to Australia) comprised of two brothers, who move effortlessly through black metal,death metal, thrash, and classic power metal yet retain the Hellenic vibe of the old gods, Varathron and Rotting Christ. Another album that might just remind your jaded ears of why you love metal. Surrender!
This album has been on my to-buy list for a few weeks now. This is fantastic stuff, I'm definately going to pick up a copy after hearing this.
Aesop have you heard fellow Greek black metallers Zemial? One of my favorite bands from Greece, I can't say enough good things about their most recent album In Monumentum.
Funny you should mention Zemial, it is the same 2 members as Agatus. I guess Agatus is the focus of one brother as Zemial is the other. I plan on posting Zemial's early "Necrolatry" ep at some point, it's genius.
hey really good. i'm fairly dumb re greek black metal, but if the others are as good as this then i just might yell opa and throw my burger king souvenir count grishknach glass at the wall. maybe....
I love greek black metal. kick ass brah...
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