So it's Jesus' birthday and every blog on the interwebs has been dragging out their Christmas rarities. So in keeping with this tradition here's perhaps the dumbest, most ill-conceived christmas album ever. Some motherfuckin' coal for your stocking. Oh, and yes, that would be Snoop Dogg with elf ears. Yup. Oh, and since it's Christmas and shit, go ahead and look at The Cosmic Hearse Wishlist over there to the right. Surely one of you out there is sitting on some of these items, even mp3s of some of them. Come on it's Jesus' fucking birthday, bitch.
that rules. lets all thank Jesus for the Hearse!!!
sorry Aesop i searched every single one and the only thing i can find is the fact that cosmic hearse has it on his wish list. and i think it's pronounced birfday
I found some Hanatarash stuff on a private torrent website, but I have no idea if they're official releases.
Here's the list, if you're interested in some of them, let me know and I'll get them. Or I can send you an invitation to the website if you're familiar with torrents.
2001 - We Are Hardcore 2
2001 - We Are Hardcore 1
2001 - We Are Hardcore 5
2001 - We Are Hardcore 4
2001 - We Are Hardcore 3
1999 - 4
1996 - Total Retartation
1987 - Hanatarashi 2
1985 - Hanatarashi
have you heard Festering Sore's "Silent Night, Deadly Night"? Because that is THE christmas song. Ever.
Bad Music, with the HAnatarash stuff I am looking for actual copies, not mp3s, but I appreciate your efforts.
yo dawg they "officially" re-released the Joe Hasselvander Lady Killer album on cd... why? i'm not sure. i will be touring with Hounds of Hasselvander next year...
heh... i've known Joe for many a many years now...
Hi! MERRY XXXMAS amico!!!!
Devil, 2 questions...
How do I get that cd?
San Francisco date?
sprinkle tha hood!
Hi Aesop!
So long without going through here lol
Your blog is better every day. Great music!
Ok, emmm, I am looking for music for "Rapt" is a very good band from France
If you have music of them, would you share it?
Cheers amigo!, cool site!
Don't know it, sorry.
Cheers for all the cool posts. Checked your wants- sorry i can't help you.
Hope xmas was good for you
I love the baby jesus.
Devil, 2 questions...
How do I get that cd?
San Francisco date?
sorry hoss, we will be hitting the distant shores overseas not in the U.S. and i am pretty sure if you hit up joe on the "myspace" he has all the re-release info pimped out on his "space"...
who woulda thought it, doom ledgends pimping out their myspace page....
the world is ending soon....
here is our myspace....
Joe is in our "top friends" list...
Hi Aesop - I have a copy of the Total Retardation 7" on Vinyl Communications that I would be willing to part with, seems to be in pretty much perfect condition...comment back here or write me at mildredf.1@gmail.com
-Steve P.
i used to have this on vinyl. what the fuck were they thinking?
2pac with angel wings almost made me spit soup all over my computer.
Still have that SS the original if you want to borrow it.
merry xmas-rotten ron
Actually Dan Morgan sent me a boot. Thanks, see you round the hood.
This was probably a few christmases ago, but thanks for maintaining your downloads. so excited to hear this.
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