Big shout-out to faithful reader, Greezus, for crossing another record off my wantlist. This time it's the Wheelchair Motherfucker's 7" EP, White Crosses and Coffee. I got this one in a trade while on tour with Hickey. It was a favorite around our flat, which is probably why I don't have it anymore. All I know about these guys: they were from somewhere in the midwest, they were friends with GG Allin, and they were very angry young men.
rockin!! thanks Aesop
do you know the year????
Not exactly sure but if I had to guess I'd say around 1992. The great and very informative Flex Discography site has two other EPs listed (anybody want to pass these along to me) from 91 and 92 but no mention of this one. I got it in 95 or 96, when Hickey was constantly traveling.
that name alone...
I used to have the "Mobilitity is not a Crime" 7", some guy tossed it in with a trade we were running at the time. I think he lived in the Grand Rapids area and said the WMFs were from there as well. Have no idea where that 7" is now...
Royal Oak, MI
JMD, that sounds about right.
great post bro!, thanks
these guys were great! i haven't heard em for ages... thanks again.
I'll never feel the same about the handicapped again (they now scare me much much more).
Damn, finally got around to listen to this, the name held me in awe for days, sadly not to my taste, in fact had to turn it off swiftly before I threw laptop outta the damn window ha ha
Nonetheless, appreciated Aespo.
From someone who had contact with them:
Grand Rapids, MI was their Home. Mobility is a crime was 1,000 issued 200 on blue wax. The first side of the ep was mispressed and had statik/noise over the music. ALWAYS GET A TEST PRESS!!!
Jerry Lewis sucks my Ass was the 2nd. GG Allin did the cover art. The 2 of them were friends and they visited GG in jackson state prison when he was inside.
After the band split, one guy went on to play in 9 volt tounge. I think they had a 7".
About 200 copies of Mobility ended up in the Delaware/Philadelphia Area. I had about 20, and just sent the last 2 copies to germany last year. Here's some pics of em though
Wow, thanks for the info. Anyone have decent rips of these other EPs?
Good straightforward punk. I like it.
Stumbled across your site doing a search on Wheelchair M.F.'s...very nice, good stuff here!
Anyway, just thought I'd add...I sadly never got to see these guys play but became good friends with 3/4 of them. Lead singer Scotty was my sister's first husband and they have a son together. He later went to Allergic and I really wished they had done more stuff together. Guitarists Jay and Bassist Jim both went on to form 9-Volt Tongue, another incredible band...I loved those guys. Dummer Ben I've met a few times but never got to know...
They were indeed from Grand Rapids, MI. We used to have a pretty cool scene here. Now it's a bunch of vegan pussies from what I can gather...
Right on Z-Corn. Thanks for the info. Any chance of getting more recorded stuff from them?
I don't know if these guys even have copies of their stuff around anymore but I'll for sure keep your wish list in mind...
I also wanted to add that on this recording Scotty, the singer, is 17 years old. He used to be so shy at shows that he couldn't face the audience and would throw up between songs. I think he's great here but he got even better...
hahahaa... I did a name search for my band today and found this blog... awesome! Anyway, this is Ben "booger" m.f. and I have our complete discography on mp3... I just had to pull that shit out and rem-inis! Amazing... I started the band in '89 and now i am fucking 34! haha... wooooo!
Ben, kick down. We need more WMF.
Yeah Ben, c'mon!
This town isn't big enough for you to hide from me...
i'm trying to get him to get his drumbs back out of mothballs for a reunion show, but to no avail yet....
jay m.f.
Hey Aesop, there's a copy of WMF "Gerry Louis Sucks My Ass" at http://www1.gemm.com/item/WHEELCHAIR--MOTHERFUCKERS/GERRY--LOUIS--SUCKS--MY--ASS!/GML189431678/
if you were interested? Is your want list stuff to buy or hear? Either way I wouldn't pass this up!
Just Googled a band that I remember seeing (at the Icepick maybe?) when I was 15 or so, and got this blog post. My older sister would take me along to shows around GR, we'd eat candy cigarettes and chat with stoned dudes and bob or heads to incredibly loud music. It was the best. We even went to a barn in Otsego (or Oswego?) to see Green Day around 1991 or something. They never showed. Thanks for posting this!
Heh, I, too, stumbled onto this site. I am Z-Corn's sister, and was married to Scotty. Sadly, he doesn't have any of their original releases, just an old tape of one of their concerts. They also had a VHS tape out. I used to have a copy of that, but lent it out and never got it back. I have a "Mobility is a Crime" 7" somewhere (signed too-of course), but it's for our son to listen to someday. He's still out there making music, and has a really cool...movie?...comic book?...musical thingy? called Lithutaine that he's doing now.
And I'll share in the dismay that Grand Rapids doesn't have a decent scene anymore. Just Hot Topic "punks". My favorite memory is of throwing garbage on Rancid at this underage place called The Enclave. God, that was a long time ago!
Thanks for this, I'll be sure to tell Scott about it next time I see him.
Amy ex-Breen
Hello all,
This is Ryan (Lud) from Allergic. Since we are talking about Scotty from the MF's/Allergic, does any one here have the Allergic demo? I actually don't have a copy of it. I know that Jay/MF had the master tapes at the "Confinement HQ", but I doubt they exist anymore. This might be a longshot but does anyone have a copy of it? I haven't seen Sam, Scott or Jon in ages.
The singer of Wheelchair MFs-my dad- still lives in West Michigan and has 8 kids.
Your dad rules. Any way he can provide us with more WMF's material?
hey lud, son of led-- i gotcher allergic demo on a dat, being converted to cd right now actually, for eventual confinement records back catalog re-release on to napster, itunes, eetc. dont worry, if you sell any i'll getchoo yer $-- queer.
I'm working on getting the whole Wheelchair M.F.'s studio catalog, as well as some well recorded live stuff, out on iTunes, Napster, etc. sometime yet this calendar year, with the rest of the Confinement Records catalog: 9-Volt Tongue, Allergic, and June Bug Spade.
Johnny "Rockarolla Assahola" HIwatt
President, Founder, Bottle Washer
Confinement Records, Inc
just got the mastered copy of the Allergic EP in the mail. Sounds incredible! can't wait to get it to iTunes here, but gotta do the gov't stuff with the band yet etc.... red tape red tape, i can see can't you see....
Just did a quick google of this band - expecting to find very little about them - and found your great blog; but I'd expect no less from a former member of Hickey!
I actually own two copies of this seven inch, one with the cover you show (although mine is white not blue) and the other with appalling artwork by GG Allin. The color of the vinyl on each is different too. I'll have to dig them out and have a look.
I have there demo tape for download at: http://furniturecityhardcore.wordpress.com/category/downloads/
They were from Grand Rapids and Rockford area in Michigan. They were killer and I enjoy this album from the day it came out. Doesn't sound the greatest.... but whatever.
WMFs. Best band ever. They started out in rockford MI. Crazy bunch of kids. Awesome band. I do know that the drummer still lives somewhere in Grand Rapids MI.
I have a 7" Breakfast of Champions and a cassette of something from Wheelchair MF's. Wanna buy it? email me onesunshineday@yahoo.com
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