Rectal Anarchy is the collaboration of Merzbow, the god of harsh electronic Japanoise, and Gore Beyond Necropsy, the kings of gutteral, far eastern grind filth. Rectal Anarchy is an absolute toxic discharge of bilious offal as well as an homage to '80s punk. "Song" titles include "Punks Not Dead Kennedys Rectal Anarchy" and "Love Me Suicidal Tendencies Rectal Anarchy," to name a few. Sonically you get what you'd expect, a mixture of the respective artists involved. Play this loud when you want the party to end.
"gods" or "god"?
Noted and fixed. Thanky
This record felches the AIDS infected semen of Christ from the collective asshole of civilization.
Hey , I apologize for an unrelated topic, but could you by any chance post the Varghkoghargasmal tape you mentioned a while back. I'm looking forward to that....Troy
I bought this CD years ago solely for the cover image and song titles. I had never heard either band before. When I got home and slapped it into the CD player, it caused me to emit a sound somewhat like this: "AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHKKKKKKAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHKKKKAAAARRRGGGH!!!!"
Nowadays, whenever I put these jams on, I go "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHKKKKAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHKKKKKAAAAAARRRRRGGGGH!!!", and shed a lone tear for the the unrecoverable joy of first discovery.
Good call, Aesop. This one makes eardrum hemmhorages a pleasant experience.
It's a dollar bin classic. I think this CD is what got both Merzbow and GBN dropped from Relapse. GBN even had a new CD recorded and ready to go, but they eventually had to self-release it.
Hopefully, this release is also what got Relapse to stop trying to sell noise CDs to metal heads.
I'd still rather listen to this than 98% of what Relapse has released since.
p.s. These two did a different collab several years earlier that was released on 7" in japan only.
strange. I have a tough time with electronic music and/or noise, but I found this pretty listenable. Neat. Thank ye.
Yes! It's too bad most relapse fans weren't up for this, but they did the right thing by releasing it. Totally awesome fearless harshness.
haha, makes me happy. I ordered this for $5 on vinyl the only time i ever mail ordered from relapse, it was awesome. "when you want to make the party end" hells yeah that is literally what i always used this thing for! the cover art on mine is different, its just a giant pink butthole :)
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