Yes it is one of the greatest and purest Metal albums of all time, but lyrically it is often dismissed as the ESL ramblings of bored Swissy teenagers looking to shock. However, if you were to think of Tom (working as Satanic Slaughter) as a poet meditating on ancient culture's perceptions of their own thanatopic obsessions, armageddon, and the futility of faith, then Apocalyptic Raids takes on a whole new depth and beauty, and reveals much more than just hellish crossfire, axe assault, and deadly bassdosing. I must thank Malcom Tent of Broken Talent for making me a cassette copy of this life-changer some 26 years ago.
I love this record. The "Satanic Rites" demo is even better. At least to me.
You killed one of my favourite bands, you dick. You're still awesome though. And yes, this album is hardcore radikult.
welcome back!heard about Ludicra...very sad.
cheers from greece!!
Anybody who doesn't have this in their record collection needs to surrender their metal badge.
It's so good to have you back.
WOWWWEEE! Thanks for this little gem! Just downloaded and will listen to this followed by Into the Pandemonium later on. \m/
This is a no-brainer. Not just because it's easy to agree that Hellhammer fucking rules, but also that "Apocalyptic Raids" will melt directly through your cranium and vaporize your grey matter.
Also, as a companion to this timeless classic, I strongly advise the purchase of Tom Warrior/Fischer's book "Only Death Is Real". Just got a copy and it's well worth the read.
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