Disma's debut album Towards the Megalith is definitely the stuff of my top albums of 2011 list, and if you fancy the arcane Death Metal of old then it will probably make your list as well. In honor of this towering monument to precambrian pummel, I present their demo The Vault of Membros.
This is pure amazingness!!
+1 on toplist 2011. Thanks!
Bloody great stuff indeed.
What's a membro?
Pure shit, coming out like a toxic sludge leak out there on the East Coast that tainted Incantation and all the branches of the East Coast Death metal scene. They're all high on something that makes them morbid. The new Disma crushes. I am at peace when they come rumbling out of the speakers. Nice to finally have the full length so I can put away my Father Befouled records, eh?
I'm pretty sure a "membro" is a club or member of "bros." Thanks for the upload, Aesop!
like a membra, but for dudes.
Ah! http://www.innerspaceonline.com/new%20membros%20page.htm
Awesome demo... first I heard of these guys. Makes me wanna buy the CD outright. Thanks.
What isn't there to like about this blog, I ask?
Towards the Megalith is my favorite album of the year hands down, you are a giant amongst men for posting this (and generally for all of your years of awesomeness!)
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