Well it's the end of another decade, and I noticed that many influential music pundits have offered up their take on what were the musical highlights of the last ten years. I thought "Why not me?" So here are my picks for the 100 bestest records of the decade. They are listed in order of year of release, NOT merit. I have provided links to the entries that were previously featured on the Hearse. Of course I recommend you buying every record on this list, most are still in print. If you don't see your favorites on here it is because I did not care for them, get used to it. Thank you.
- Weakling-Dead As Dreams (2000)
- Paysage d’ Hiver- Paysage d’ Hiver (2000)
- Einsturzende Neubauten-Silence Is Sexy (2000)
- Nunslaughter-Hell’s Unholy Fire (2000)
- Slough Feg-Down Among The Dead Men (2000)
- Neurosis- A Sun That Never Sets (2001)
- Angels of Light-How I loved You (2001)
- Thorns-Thorns (2001)
- Dornenreich-Her Von Welken Nachten (2001)
- Absu-Tara (2001)
- Hammers of Misfortune-The Bastard (2001)
- Nargaroth-Black Metal Ist Krieg (2001)
- The Langley Schools Music Project-Innocence & Despair (2001)
- Agalloch-The Mantle (2002)
- Xasthur-Nocturnal Poisoning (2002)
- Wolf-Black Wings (2002)
- Arcturus- The Sham Mirrors (2002)
- Woven Hand-Woven Hand (2002)
- Leviathan-Verrater (2002)
- Kylesa-Kylesa (2002)
- Infest-No Man’s Slave (2002)
- Inquisition-Invoking The Majestic Throne Of Satan (2002)
- Oxbow-An Evil Heat (2002)
- Agatus-The Weaving Fates (2002)
- The Vanishing-In The Bathaus (2002)
- Nigel Pepper Cock-The New Way (2002)
- Canaan-A Calling To Weakness (2002)
- Celestia-Apparitia Sumptuous Spectre (2002)
- Wigrid-Hoffnungstod (2002)
- Explosions In The Sky-The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place (2003)
- Funeral Mist-Salvation (2003)
- Ghoul-Maniaxe (2003)
- Hammers of Misfortune-The August Engine (2003)
- Killing Joke-Killing Joke (2003)
- Burmese-A Mere Shadow and Reminiscence of Humanity (2003)
- Destroyer 666-Terror Abraxas (2003)
- Hala Strana-Hala Strana (2003)
- Dimlaia-Dimlaia (2003)
- Virus-Carheart (2003)
- Sargeist-Satanic Black Devotion (2003)
- Deathspell Omega-Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice (2004)
- The Muons-The Well At Land’s End (2004)
- Witchcraft-Witchcraft (2004)
- Enslaved-Isa (2004)
- Pagan Altar-Lords of Hypocrisy (2004)
- Dark Tribe-In Jeraspunta (2004)
- Cauldron Black Ram-Skulduggery (2004)
- Asunder-A Clarion Call (2004)
- Yrkoon-Occult Medicine (2004)
- Morgion-Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth (2004)
- God Is An Astronaut-All Is Violent All Is Bright (2005)
- AN-World Minus Population (2005)
- Various Artists-Run The Road (2005)
- Corrupted-El Mundo Frio (2005)
- Urfaust-Verratertischer, Nichtswurdiger Geist (2005)
- The Gault-Even As All Before Us (2005)
- Vpaahsalbrox-14 Sovereign (2005)
- Drudkh-The Swan Road (2005)
- Kiss The Anus of a Black Cat-If The Sky Falls, We Shall Catch Larks (2005)
- Primordial-The Gathering Wilderness (2005)
- Drudkh-Blood In Our Wells (2006)
- Desolation Triumphalis-Forever Bound To Nothingness (2006)
- Veronica Lipgloss & The Evil Eyes-The Witches Dagger (2006)
- Michael Cashmore-Sleep England (2006)
- Hammers of Misfortune-The Locust Years (2006)
- Asunder-Works Will Come Undone (2006)
- Impurity-Necroinfamists of Tumulus Return (2006)
- Evil Army-Evil Army (2006)
- Marblebog-Csendhajnal (2006)
- Ahab-Call of the Wretched Sea (2006)
- Warning-Watching From a Distance (2006)
- Crippled Black Phoenix-A Love of Shared Disasters (2007)
- It’s Casual-The New Los Angeles (2007)
- Grayceon-Grayceon (2007)
- Hanatarash/Evil Moisture-Fatanarchy On Airtube (2007)
- Bone Awl-Meaningless Leaning Mess (2007)
- Raate-Sielu, Linna (2007)
- Oxbow-The Narcotic Story (2007)
- Akitsa-Goetie (2007)
- Bee & Flower-Last Sight Of Land (2007)
- Dax Riggs- We Sing of Only Blood Or Love (2007)
- Alcest-Souvenirs d’un Autre Monde (2007)
- Impaled-The Last Gasp (2007)
- Primordial-To The Nameless Dead (2007)
- Deathevokation-Chalice of the Ages (2007)
- Dead Congregation-Graves of the Archangels (2008)
- Samothrace-Life’s Trade (2008)
- Jex Thoth-Jex Thoth (2008)
- Harvey Milk-Life… The Best Game In Town (2008)
- Ulaan Khol-I (2008)
- Decrepit Birth-Diminishing Between Worlds (2008)
- Yob-The Great Cessation (2009)
- Master’s Hammer-Mantras (2009)
- Various Artists-The Sound of Wonder: The First Wave of Plugged In Pop at The Pakistani Picture House (2009)
- Amesouers-Amesouers (2009)
- Cross Stitched Eyes-Coronach (2009)
- Circle of Ouroborus-Tree of Knowledge (2009)
- Giant Squid-The Ichthyologist (2009)
- Sixx-Sister Devil (2009)
- Peste Noire-Ballade Cuntre Lo Anemi Francor