Shudder to Think really only can be associated with the DC punk scene through their work with Dischord records, nothing here is very punk. I recall describing them to someone as Fugazi meets the Cocteau Twins, but even that description seems lazy, and not all that accurate. Shudder to Think sounded like no one else. This may not appeal to everyone, all you tough guys may want to step out of the room. You probably won't be able to handle the wispy, feminine vocals of Craig Wedren. You definitely will struggle with lyrics about men in love, and dreams, and summer rain. The rest of us will wax and weep nostalgic for this sublime piece of '90s schmaltz.
I've always loved Funeral at the Movies, i'll have to give this a shot. Thanks Aesop.
S2T are/were one of my favorite bands, but I ask why you choose Ten Spot over the combination Ten Spot & Funeral At The Movies.
Btw, Craig Wedren's new solo album (his second, after 2005's Lapland) WAND is streaming on his Facebook page.
Love This Album!!! this is the only one I own, because I didn't like waht I heard from the rest... Thx for posting this. I have a burned CD, but the volume is waaaay quiet on it, and mai cassette is hissy.
Pony Express Record & Get Your Goat transformed my head greatly.
This album lived in my car cassette deck for about a year straight in the mid-90's, I have been listening to it regularly since its release
Thanks for this ace! <3
it's kinda ironic to me that the band was so 'wimpy" because as a teen dolt, the bassist Stuart 'loud,hard & fast' Hill was a pimply wannabe bootboy who used to do a crappy xerox harDCore zine before these guys started. My buddies and I had a running joke because every review was either "This record was good, it is very loud hard & fast" vs " i liked their last 7", it was hard & fast...the first song was very loud & hard & fast...this new one isn't as hard"... ad infinitum. When I finally saw he was playing in this band... at the 'Bottom' with a foofter haircut...it all made sense.
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