Okay, so after losing eight years worth of files, and seriously considering ending the blog, I have decided to forge on. Things may be a bit rickety here for a while, but I want to stress that doing this doesn't get me laid, doesn't get me paid, and often is a headache. Anyways, here's Bruxers' demo. Bruxers are a fairly new band from Oakland. On their first demo they display a fondness and a skill for playing Crusty Death Metally Grindcore. You download it, you listen to it, you leave a nice comment, and when they have something out, you buy it.
Just so you know, I really appreciate what your blog has given to both me and the downloading world in general and I appreciate your tenacity in the face of adversity. I'm very glad that the Hearse is continuing and wish you the best of luck in forging ahead in years to come.
Appreciate you pushing on. You've managed to turn me on to some stuff that might have taken months or longer to come across or perhaps never find. Thanks!
For the record - reading your blog & downloading this doesn't get me laid either. But it does bring much happiness to my ears. Looking forward to another year of this.
long time follower. just wanna say i (and prolly everyone else) appreciate it more than you know. the hearse is like my coffee in the morning, never miss a post. thanks for keep on keepin on. the naked cult lives.
ditto to the above two. everything is appreciated more than you know. i can't imagine an inner-net world without the hearse. shitty.
Like all above i really appreciate what you do...
Keep up the good work!Wish all a Happy New Year!!!
Greetings from Greece...
This blog is part of my daily morning routine since a while! Please, continue the great work, it worth it! Thank you very much for this!
Everyone appreciates what you have given us people... You don't get paid,ya don't get laid but boy do you work hard....Anyways I must admit, Ludicra might've slipped by me if it wasn't for your blog- ...thus resulting in me checking your show out in Austin(and buying merch/ha,ha the least I could do.)I know that's not a great payment but YOUR music has been heard as a result of Cosmic Hearse. Thanks for the other killer shit like the LLn stuff,etc. Happy New Year.
Thanks for this one man.. i already had the Demo because i follow the blog of one of the members of the Band, but i bet this one sounds much better. Cheers And a Happy New Year!
I'm sorry you lost such a massive amount of files and vast collection of music; I would feel devastated. It's great, however, that you've decided to forge ahead continue to outdo yourself with top-notch blog posts. I've been riding the Hearse for a few years and look forward to checking it every morning to see what treasure awaits me! You've put me on to some great bands as a result as well as provided refreshing, sharp reviews of classics I was already familiar with. I haven't been able to think of "Filth Hounds…" without visualizing the dinner party anecdote since that post. Fortunately, there are dozens more of these associations. I appreciate your insightful posts and continual bold musical innovations, Aesop.
Best wishes for the new year!
After being an audiophile and collector for 15+ years, I never thought I would run across something like your blog that would change my life like yours did. You refreshed my love for music. Everything you've ever shown me on this blog has brought me much joy in life. And I thank you for that.
Long-time follower here. I've been following your blog since 2008 and I've been with you ever since. Without you, I would have never heard of Ahulabrum, Gontyna Kry, the Blazebirth Hall, Akitsa, Bone Awl, or countless other great bands. Also, I sympathize with your plight. My music blog doesn't get me paid or laid either, but I don't care, because I'm helping people around the world discover great yet obscure music.
I respect your perseverance despite such a great setback. This reminds me of a story about a guy who live a long time ago, although I can't remember his name. He spent 20 years writing a book and his servant accidentally burned it. Instead of giving up, he started writing again, and finally got the book published. My point is, keep pushing forward and keep doing what you love.
thank you. like many others, i truly look forward to checking this blog every day, it's just an awesome and healthy routine. i've probably downloaded at least half of the music on the entire blog, and i can't even stress how thankful i am. do what you got to do, but always remember the insanely awesome impact you've caused.
Just a heads up, Bruxers are actually from San Jose, and have been around for quite a while; I want to say they started in like 2007. One of the best bands around, I fucking love these guys.
Very sorry to hear about the massive file loss. That just really sucks. The Hearse has been part of my daily ritual for years now. Its helped me rediscover the entire genre of metal, and fostered my love of horrific black metal. If it wasn't for you, I also never would have heard of Fuckmorgue, Abysmal Grief, and Zouo. And that would be very sad indeed. Thanks for all the work you put in to this.
Glad you are going to continue with the blog, don't quit on us, really enjoy pretty much everything you post on here, Cheers!
Cosmic Hearse is my favorite blog! I spent December immersed in the soothing fluid of the back posts, and emerged a better person - can't adequately express my gratitude.
I love this blog and never ever stop!
Something I do thought is, never keep too much data in one place. Personally, a 1TB drive scares me...thats too much data in one place. And anyhting stuck in a laptop or PC as its main drive/partitioned is bad news. SO I save to an external drive, and then back it up, to another external drive every so often, one i never use except for backing up. Stick it in a cupbord after that and move on.
Eight years worth? I'm agape. All I can say is thank you for all the musical education you've provided for so long & for not throwing in the towel.
Keep on truckin' man, there's dozens and dozens of us that appreciate all that you're doing
So so sorry for your loss. Jesus, what a crap way to end the year. For our sakes, thanks for pressing on, love this place. I've seen Bruxers, and really enjoyed them, this'll be fun. Look forward to seeing you guys later this month with Wolves in the Throne Room at Slim's. All the best for the new year!
Long live the Hearse.
your blog is good. carry on.
Your blog gets me laid.
Aesop, I hope you don't need anyone to tell you you're the king of bloggers. I never had any interest in what jackasses on the internet had to say about music until I found your blog and was just floored by the quality and ingenuity of your highly idiosyncratic, down to earth and insightful writing. I still read few other blogs and was inspired to start my own by your purely original style. On top of you're an amazing drummer with three of the best US metal acts active, wtf!?!! Caught your two montreal shows thanks to you keeping everyone here posted about dates and such, so glad I did!!! keep it up man, if only to keep your place at the throne. hails
If I was chick, I'd fuck ya. Fuck it, I may do it anyways if you keep this blog going.
Yea, be my brother
Fight to stay alive
All the world can't change us
With all their burned-out jive
Come get us now we're waiting
We won't run and hide
Carry On my sons forever
Carry On when I am gone
Carry On for when the day is long
Forever Carry On
For as long as we're together
Then forever Carry On
hey Aesop, what a loss.
i can't imagine coming back from that, but i'm glad you've decided to forge ahead.
would it help/even be possible for you to post a list of what you've lost, and those readers who have some of it might be able to replace stuff?
just an idea.
thanks for everything you do. no matter what the music is that gets posted, your writing i amazing every time.
Thanks For Another Underground Discovery And Thanks For Keeping This Unique Blog Alive. The Best Words Of Apreciation Have Been Written In The Previous Comments. All I Can Do Is Agree With Them And Say (In A Loud Voice) Long Live The Cosmic Hearse!!!
Your endurance, commitment, and music knowledge are super-human. Thanks for sharing all this with us.
Love you bro.
Sorry to hear about the hard drive. What exactly happened to it? I actually thought my own external hard drive was fried earlier this year. It got some kind of virus that scrambled things, and my computer wouldn't recognize it anymore and all the files seemed to have disappeared. After fretting about spending thousands on data retrieval, I went through free program after free program until I found one that worked. I ended up being able to get 90% of the files back intact, and didn't pay a dime for it. If your issue is a software one, shoot me an email and I'll send details about what worked for me.
This is great, and we love you Fred.
If it's not worth it and people aren't happy about it, then fuck them and fuck it!
The people that really matter are the ones that are going to love you and honor you for your choices, and not dwell on how it affects them.
I check your site every day and am down when you are not around, yet i do get over it.
I love what you offer and especially what you have to say about it. You are funny & smart with your words.
I certainly do not acknowledge you well enough, with comments, though i try.
Hope you stick around, yet if you do not and i decide that i do not like it, then fuck me!
ditto what steven said above: LONG LIVE THE HEARSE!!
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