Here's the first release, Weeping, from Mournful Congregation, Australia's long standing purveyors of crushingly slow and despondent doooooom. These dour down underlings have stayed true to their formula for almost twenty years. This demo isn't terribly unlike the fantastic album, Book of Kings they released just last November. I can respect this determination and dedication to doing what they do; play cripplingly depressing funeral doom with beautiful melodic overtones. I have loved every bit of music these gallant men have issued forth. This is sitting home alone, drunk on your floor ruminating on all your failures and shortcomings kind of doom. Listen at your own risk.
Excellent....thank you
I need a good mourn after hearing about Mark Reale's passing. Thank you.
Absolute classic! I have this on the Dawning Of Mournful Hymns comp. Check that out aesop if possible. Won't be disappointed... My mate actually plays this for his little girl to get her to sleep!... I think thats a good thing?!... Cheers mate, keep up the good work!
Features Damon Good (The Great Righteous Destroyer) of Stargazer, right? If I'm not wrong, I'm sold.
Though i haven't been drunk in years; sitting home alone on my floor ruminating on all my failures and shortcomings is still near and dear to me and my tear ducts. Glad to have a soundtrack to blanket my personal pity party non-festivities.
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