I sat down to write this post and the first thing I wrote was "Sam Rivers is a bad ass," but then I went to check the ol' interweb to see how old he was and discovered that he passed away the day after christmas. No one told me. Fuck. Sam Rivers was a badass. He played with Miles Davis until Miles deemed him too weird and replaced him with weird Wayne Shorter, he cut four amazing records for Blue Note, he started a venue to host avant jazz with his wife Bea, made records up until he was 83 years old, and motherfucker did most of these things without a shirt on. Sad to see him go, but he had a long and colorful life, left behind some amazing work, and that can't be taken away. It's hard for me to choose a favorite Rivers album, but if I had to Dimensions & Extensions might do. Bye Sam.
Thanks for highlighting such a TRUE and wonderful artist of music and sound.
this album is SO good! definitely my favorite as well!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the posts. I read this daily but never comment so I'm sure there's plenty more out there doing the same. Keep up all the excellent work. Your blog continues to be one of the best.
Yeah, what a bummer. The guys over at Destination: Out! did a cool tribute to him.
Diggin it
Thanks for the great post, haven't heard this one yet. Sam also lived in jazz purgatory Orlando Florida, but not sure for how long. Probably the last 20 years or so. Actually I think he was a professor there. UGH!poor guy.
Thank you for this awesome blog, this is truly appreciated!
Actually I think he was a professor there. UGH!poor guy.
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