It occurred to me last night that there might be someone out there who's never heard this album, and I awoke, drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. So if you are one of those poor souls who permeates my subconscious with your ignorance, get this so we both can sleep easier at night. This is easily one the finest pieces of Swedish Death Metal ever forged.
this rips! thanks Mr. Aesop. I remember when i was booking shows this Japanese band emailed us and said hello Mr. Gilman.
Ha Ha!!!!!
I am kicking myself for not seeing this guys earlier this year. They played the best venue in town which recently closed down. It was a small club with great sound, a great owner and reasonably priced beer. Fuck.
It's a shame that these fuckers got sort of buried under the shadow of Entombed and other such brethren. Not only do they hold their own, but if I were to put nostalgia aside I might have to crown these dudes with the beery crown of Swedish Kings, So Ripping, So Mighty. Right on!
This post HAS to post the back cover of this release. Homeboy ROCKING a two foot upside down cross necklace,covered in blood? priceless.
This is heavy.
Funny you posted this, I'm listening to their demos collection right now-- and gawddamn is it sheer bliss!
Anyway-- Total. Fucking. Heroes. Along with Grave, an ever-dependable entity of death metal majesty. If that Swedish buzzsaw guitar tone were a woman, not only would I fuck it/her mercilessly, I'd propose marriage shortly afterward.
Have you read Daniel Ekeroth's 'Swedish Death Metal' book? I highly recommend it.
Adam, no, and I can't seem to find it in SF.
Jake, Dual Rectifier, you can't fuck or marry an amp.
Gasp! I confess I am among those who wake you up in sweaty fits...I've always been an Entombed man myself, and of the course the obligatory At the Gates. But now I shall worry you no longer...
I might go as far as saying that this is better than anything Entombed ever did, and I am an Entombed fan, even their later less-likeable stuff.
one of my favourite death metal albums. i had the honour of seeing them here a couple weeks ago with Augury, which is awesome because hardly any bands come here and them BAM 2 of my favourite death metal bands together. they played Override the Overture for their encore and it was beautiful.
personally this is my favorite of all the old Stockholm/Sunlight era bands. Left Hand Path is a glorious album and Entombed has always done well for themselves but I just can't agree that LHP trumps this masterpiece. The first song on this could be the greatest Swedish death metal song ever. I stand behind that statement.
You can get Daniel Ekeroth's 'Swedish Death Metal' at Aquarius Records. it the dmoestic version=way cheaper and more material
Good call. I still listen to this regularly. Nobody can match the Dismember buzzsaw grind, and I still consider this their finest.
You realize that Nicke Andersson played all the guitar solos on this, at least according to the liner notes.
And it is a killer album, I like it more than LHP, but I like 'Clandestine' a little more. So sue me.
I prefer Clandestine to Left Hand Path as well. Better songs. Is their a cooler song tan "Stranger Aeons"?
As a swede I´ve seen this band many times and they always deliver. I regret not seeing them in their demodays but you can´t get it all. They play a 20 year anniversary gig tonight in Sthlm with all past and present members there. I wish I could be there.
I missed these guys the year they played Maryland Death Fest because my ride had to go back to Philly to play with Tragedy. Fucking goddamned, boring, over-hyped Tragedy. Still upset.
And I'd like to add that the s/t album Dismember released recently is pretty damned worthy. Much better than the recent work of any of their Swedish brethren from that era.
Would it give you more sleepless nights if I said I don't really like Dismember? Cause it's true. Entombed, too.
And while I'm at it, I don't like Mercyful Fate either.
It's alright e, my dad didn't like Dismember either. I just kinda got used to it.
Aesop - shit dude i don't know why but i have never heard this before. Fucking incredible. Thanks again!
john / milwaukee
ps - my dad doesn't like Dismember either - he is more into grindcore.
Killer classic! Good post, man! This band was once tagged as Entombed clones but I definitely think otherwise. Have this on tape already but is already worn out (go figure!). Won't hesitate to grab this. Thanks!
They were Entombed clones, but like I said, I think this is more enjoyable than any Entombed recording.
hmm, spurred by your enthusiasm I sat through this again, and...nope. I find this Entombed/Dismember style DM really repetitive and grating. It's partly the sound, too. I'd much rather listen to the Carnage album because it sounds much more bassy and "warmer", if a bit muffled. Not to mention the Carnage stuff had a lot more Carcass/General Surgery style groove to it.
Though I don't particularly love Carnage, either.
A buddy of mine gave me a copy of Where Ironcrosses Grow,a few weeks ago, it blow my head off. I'm another one of the lost souls who followed Entombed and At the Gates but never found time for Dismember until now. UGH! the regret...
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