Apeface was a shortlived crust punk band from San Jose. They existed in the mid-90s and released a few splits and this 12". They flat out ruled, and I'm not just saying that because Jerome is the only person I ever saw puke while walking. So if you like Nausea and Logical Nonsense and that sort of thing, do yourself a favor and check out Apeface,
Fuck yes! Thanks for posting this!! I helped put on an Apeface show in Bismarck, N.D. back in the day. They played at my friend's dad's tree nursery
This is one of those undiscovered, regional gems of the '90s...this record is SO fucking great. I saw them on NYE at a small bar in San Jose (not the Caravan) and moshed the fuck out of that place--that was '97>'98 (13 years ago today!) I have a live set from KZSU that I'll upload for you and the followers. It's their last thing they ever did, and does not have Rob playing drums!
I think that NYE show was at Jersey's Cheesesteaks in Campbell, with Hickey, and involves one of my favorite Aesop anecdotes. Some jackass kid kept yelling at Hickey, so after the show Aesop pissed in an empty beer pitcher, walked up to the kid and poured it all over him. At first he thought it was awesome because it was beer, but Aesop assured him "no dude, that was my piss". Years later I saw the kid somewhere and he was still talking about the great honor of being pissed on by Hickey's drummer.
Hickey, Gomez, and Fuckface all on tons of LSD. Kid had a Bikini Kill shirt on and got pee'd on. Hickey didn't mess around.
I think that was it...I shouldn't have driven home that night. Here's the KZSU link: http://www.mediafire.com/?yzjugjj0qci
I remember the floor being very difficult to stand on due to the high amount of piss... I think I have a bunch of Apeface songs that were recorded right before they broke up and never finished. There on a 1/2 reel and I don't have the machine anymore to even take a listen to see which bands I might of recorded over there session. Fuck yes Apeface!
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