Not the rarest, most obscure band ever, but fuck it. This ep holds more mystery and magic than a whole stack of punk 7 inches with skulls and barbed wire adorning the jackets. This was the world's introduction to Mercyful Fate, their agenda plastered clearly across the primitive drawing on the cover, a "pantygram" clad woman about to meet her own merciless fate. The four songs here far eclipse anything on "Melissa," the band's official first album. "Nuns Have No Fun" is an almost upbeat rock number and really the standout track here. Songs that have spelling in them R-O-C-K and this one spells "C-U-N-T"... really can't top that. One imagines that, at the time, King Diamond probably thought this was very naughty and very cutting edge, especially the lyrics about King's erectile proficiency in nocturnal situations, and his intent to give the nun his "cross." One can almost hear the satanic titters of delight as more blasphemous double entendre pour forth. This song is worth the price of admission alone, and sadly never appeared on any other MF recordings (if you don't count the "In the Beginning" release that compiled this ep and other pre-Melissa gems). This was the first Mercyful Fate I had ever heard, when I was a staunch, unflexable punker, and even then I had to bow down. Mercyful Fate was really just an amazingly good rock band that also happenes to wanna rape nuns. Fuck. That's cool with me. Oh, and the other songs are great too, even if "Devil Eyes" gets a bit fruity.
"Pantygram" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
As a teenager I used to put my favourite record covers on display against the wall... I'm sure this one got my parents a bit worried to say the least...
And a Venom poster telling to 'Kiss your mother's pissflaps'... LOL
Oh yeah, and getting mail and autographs by Belgian cult band Acid saying that 'Satan loves ya'...
You heard of Acid, Aesop?
That rules, Dino. The only record cover that really bothered my mom was the Nig Heist cover. Heard of Acid but never checked them out. Can you recommend a particular album?
Acid, Engine Beast and the Black Car 12" are essential.
Funny how I got a friend request from a girl in Colombia and seeing that she was into Acid (and apparently a lot of South American teenagers). I told Kate (Acid's singer, she's 46 now) about it, and she was really surprised and thrilled to hear this too.
Oops, almost forgot to mention their (in)famous Lucifera 7"...
(delete the previous post)Oops, forgot to mention the (in)famous 7" Lucifera and the matching album Maniac...
Thanks for this, I love King Diamond.
KD makes me cry with joy. And kill puppies.
Great EP!
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