Sure they were cute, look at the swastika drawn on that one dude's head and the guy with the downy moustache and "Jo-Jo" scrawled on his chest, but hardcore? Nope. More like pop punk, but hold on there Wattie, don't get your leather spiked panties in a bunch. This isn't My Chemical Romance or Falloutboy, this is real, this is New Jersey's Chronic Sick. Originally released in 1982, "The Cutest Band in Hardcore" is a cool little record of snarling punk. You get the idea from the lyrics and the cover photo that these guys were really funny and out to offend anyone they could, however, buried within the 13 minutes of juvenile fuckery lies some of the best hooks to ever grace a punk record. Don't believe me? Check out the coda on "Dress Code," then go out and punch a hippie (but not too hard.) Here:
actually, this was a 12" ......
Doh, I have never actually seen one. Thanks for the info, Erich. I will make the correction.
So I just got back from the KUSF Rock n Swap where I saw a vendor who had this 12". He was asking $900 for it!!!!!
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