I was going to write a vitriolic rant about this blog where this pathetic fuckstick just steals other blogger's posts, writing, and personal anecdotes and attempts to pass them off as his own work, but then I decided to not give any more attention to this lazy, unimaginative sub-tard. With that said...
Roach Motel were one of the earliest and best-known hardcore bands from Florida. Here's their debut 7" Roach & Roll from 1982. Sure this record has some jabs at Cubans, old people and homosexuals and the infamous track "Wetback," but back in '82 punk wasn't overrun with PC watchdogs, and this kind of naive bigotry was just part of a bigger misanthropy. Not that I am condoning such sentiments, it was just how it was back in the day, and I am against any kind of revisionism of the past to conform with people's tight-assed worldview in the present. Either way, this is a classic of American punk and a very important piece of my growing up punk in Florida. These guys were the kings, this record is the proof.
what's this guys blog? the link don't work
hey aesop,
totally dig your writing. i especially love how when something comes up that's outside the bounds of what's normally an ok type of offensiveness--racism, nationalism, etc--you put it in context, so that your/our appreciation doesn't necessarily agree with the sentiment behind the lyrics, but can still appreciate the music.
Click the link in the upper paragraph where it says "this blog" to see unfettered plagiariasm and general dochtardery
Josh, thanks. I have always felt that just because I can't get behind some band's politics doesn't mean that it is "bad" music. In the case of Roach Motel, I know some of them personally and know that racism wasn't part of their agenda, and wouldn't want people to think so. Especially since I think a member or two read this blog. The Angry Samoans had "Homosexual", Black Flag had "White Minority", Even the Descendents had that song where they said "You Fuckin' Homo." I'm sure this was alienating to some closeted gay punkers but it was the time, man the time. Kinda like how your Grandpa sometmes says incredibly dumb shit because he's really old.
I always thought the Descendents were taking on the voice of their tormentor for that line. Anyway, I love this blog, I read it every day. Thank you.
Thanks a lot for this post! Great single.
this is some more great stuff. This is one of the very very few blogs that I consistently download and archive every post and try and set aside some time to give everything a fair listen.
Great fucking band, dude.
I use link-protector.com so people can't jack my links - look into it. I doubt anybody would want to steal my writings, that's for sure ;)
Wow, that guy's stealing from several different blogs it looks like. What a total shitpipe.
Anyway, as a native Floridian, I understand the mindset of the punk scene at that time. But like a lot of things, what sounds good sells better than what behaves good. No one listens to Anal Cunt for insightful social commentary.
Well, LRV, I don't mind the links being upped somewhere else, this will keep them active. I DO mnd this raging retard taking credit for my writing. Jesus, the douche even stole this post WITH the link to his page calling him a plagiarizing asshole. My last 35 posts have shown up on his blog with his name under them, this includes my personal memories, and even my very personal Father's Day post. What kind of brainless scumbag would do this? What is the point? Does he want people to think he's doing the work? And I am not the only one, his blog is a mishmash of mine, Down Underground, and several others. The stories don't line-up and there are inconsistencies in his posts. Why? Because he didn't write a fucking thing. Even more cowardly is the factt that there is no way to contact this scrotum, he's made that impossible because I am sure he has been railed for this. So he knows he's a turd and still does it. Why? Does being me get him laid? It doesn't work for me. Is he making $? I doubt it. What's the fucking point?
Brekin, excelent point. And I will be adding "Shitpipe" to my lexicon. Where in Florida are you from?
I hear ya...
There's alot of people out there who blog for all the wrong reasons - this being the biggest faux pas of them all.
If can't bring anything to the table yourself, then don't bother, ya know? Bums me out when people plagarize other peoples' writings or throw up (literally) a post containing bio rip from AMG or something lame like that. Why fucking bother? Does it make you fell cool?
What's the fucking point?
So far I haven't been ripped, but my writing sucks anyways. It IS pretty funny that this guy leaves in the rip about him and his blog in the post, obviously he doesn't care, and I have a feeling he "no speaka da englesh" or something.
I use link-protector cuz if someone wants to steal my u/l bandwidth they gotta at least work for it a bit and re-up it on their own account.
Good luck w/ all this, and don't stop posting all the eclectic good shit that you do...
Yeah, ESL is clearly a factor. I know of a couple blogs that opt to just repost aQ's reviews instead of write something. I understand that there is alot of shiftless, lazy behavior out there but this is a new low. Weird thing is, if he just gave me credit or posted a link, I wouldn't give a fuck that 90% of his site's content was created by me.
what a douche
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Well done, darlin', well done. <3
I wonder if this person or people even took into consideration what they were actually doing, when it comes right down to it? Just from the chosen domain name it seems as if they thought of themselves as content aggregators; a portal, if you will. I never saw the original link, but I am guessing that the page was riddled with ads? Intellectual property theft v. content mining for page views and clickthrough...
Grotesque, still. Clearly. And it's kinda fucking awesome that they ran scared. Extremely pathetic that they wouldn't realize that stealing from actual human beings who put their heart into what they do is worth so much more than however many fractions of a penny they make from the ad revenue.
No it's still there, and it's still sucks.
I've been lurking your blog for a while and just wanted to say you're doing a fine job of this here endeavor. On the subject of ideological content vs musical validity I really appreciate the tone you take with it. Personally, I was born and have lived most of my life outside the u.s, though i have found myself in south florida now (really appreciating the old florida stuff you're getting on here) so for me, a lot of shit is just beyond putting up with. I love old skrewdriver but I can't bring myself to listen to it without thinking about how these damn fool-asses would feel about me. I listened to the last arghoslent and musically it was so damn impressive, but I couldn't get past it. I guess as a non-white it hits you on a different level.
Anyway, keep up the good work, I lived in Brazil for a while too and I am stoked you seem to have a good grasp of the scene there, maybe if you can get your hands on some olho seco that would rule?
thoughts, no prayers.
This is your guy, right here.
I am trying to find more info, but it seems whois.com is having issues...
Thanks Brandi, I need more info. I totally railed the wrong dude for this. Apparently Paul Durango is a legitimate blogger whose name (as well as his posts) are being used for this bizarro world blogiarizing menace.
What's far more common and gets on my nerves way more is posting records the poster doesn't even own. With very few exceptions in the HC / Punk / Meddl sphere, this is what countless blogs do. That's why one never gets to hear in detail reports on the music itself, incomplete scans nor crucial discographical information. I really don't understand the motivation behind this behaviour.
Well, Erich. I don't physically own many of the things here. Many were d/led from somewhere else, many were given to me as cdrs, some are my own rips, some are others. It would be impossible for me to rip everything I own, and it wouldn't be much of a site if I only posted things I own. However, I have listened thoroughly to all that is here, and loved it. The Roach & Roll ep I own and that is a scan of the cover of my copy, but the mp3s were ripped by someone else. I understand your gripe, there are alot of extremely lazy blogs where content is put up without so much as a word about what it is. A bigger peeve for me is blogs that start strong, the writer is gung ho and posts tons of great stuff and then just loses interest in it. Worse is when these types harangue you for a link and then let the blog go unattended. I, for one, always welcome suggestions on how to make this site more enjoyable for my readers.
This is how I see it: When people post records that are older than they are themselves or almost randomly go for stuff they have downloaded somewhere else, they just don't have no relation to what they post. I'd enjoy it much more if people from a younger generation would stick to music of their generation and talk about what they know. Of course, the whole "Hardcore re-enactment" is itself so pitiful, it makes you wanna sell your record collection sometimes. Wandering thru thru the blog world, I often think, if those guys at least would have the self-esteem not to jump on a bandwagon. I can assure you: The best music blogs will always come from those who have a deeper understanding of what they do and that's (with very few excpetions) the activists. Posting randomly collected mp3 files on a blog to me is the exact opposite of how I see what was and how the memory-politics of how some of it survives should be taken care of.
I'm 37 and have been collecting music in all formats for 3 decades. I grimace too at the civil war reanctment mentality of retro-crazy youth but the bottom line is you don't have to be a certain age to enjoy certain music. I enjoy quite a bit of old psych that was released before my birth. Nothing random here, I feel a connection to all this music, or else I wouldn't be able to write anything about it. I started this blog to sort of mirror the elation I feel when someone comes over and I can blow their mind by playing some record or tape or even mp3 of something they may have missed the first time around. Of course I would love to get my hands on a copy of Confuse "Nuclear Addicts" but I am in no position to shell out the $$$ for such a thing, does it mean I shouldn't post it? Another reason I like the blogs posting rare punk records is the fact that they devalue the records for eBay hording scum. Those are the motherfuckers who don't give a toss about music, just profiteering. I can't really tell if you are specifically dissatisfied with my blog, but either way I am a fan of yours and you have my respect.
No, I wasn't talking about your blog. I think I made my point clear about the posting of mp3 files: This goes for yours too, in my opinion.
The ranting about "ebay hording scum" is a bit naive, really.
Of course it is, but the elitist old veteran routine isn't.
Awesome Thanks you from Atlanta. I don't even think Frank Mullen has a copy of this gem anymore!! Thanks 1,000,000!
There is no way to defend people that cahrge tons of money for older records on Ebay,is there?I used to make tape discographies and sell them at shows for 2 bucks a piece.That is where is at.....Not fucking over people that can't afford the things in the first place
Seems like you don't quite understand how Ebay works, Troy .... Charging tons of money for records, haha. Brilliant.
Sadly enough, stealing asshats are a part of the wonderful cesspool known as "the Web."
Thanks for this, man.
Hadn't commented in a while and reviewing these comments I saw you asked me a question.
I am from Pensacola, but got involved in the punk scene in Gainesville around '85/'86, with Black Flag "In My Head" tour (same day as the Challenger explosion).
Glad to see asshat's blog is apparently gone (or at least not at that URL anymore).
Hi! they ain't racist. I had breakfast with their drummer last week! great site!
I cracked my front tooth slamming at a Roach Motel hall show, great post !
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